18th Sunday after Pentecost, 2016-2017
Text: Isaiah 5:1-7, Matthew 21:33-46
Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod
18th Sunday after Pentecost, 2016-2017
Text: Isaiah 5:1-7, Matthew 21:33-46
17th Sunday after Pentecost, 2016-2017
Text: Philippians 2:1-4, 14-18
16th Sunday after Pentecost, 2016-2017
Text: Philippians 1:12-30 (Isaiah 55:6-9, Matt 20:1-16)
15th Sunday after Pentecost, 2016-2017
Text: Genesis 50:15-21, Matthew 18:21-35
14th Sunday after Pentecost, 2016-2017
Text: Ezekiel 33:7-9 (Matthew 18:1-20)
13th Sunday after Pentecost, 2017-2017
Text: Matthew 16:21-28
12th Sunday after Pentecost, 2016-2017
Text: Romans 11:33-36
11th Sunday after Pentecost, 2016-2017
Text: Matthew 15:21-28
10th Sunday after Pentecost, 2016-2017
Text: Romans 10:5-17
9th Sunday after Pentecost, 2016-2017
Text: Isaiah 55:1-5
8th Sunday after Pentecost, 2016-2017
Text: Deuteronomy 7:6-9
7th Sunday after Pentecost, 2016-2017
Text: Romans 8:18-27
5th Sunday after Pentecost, 2016-2017
Text: Zech 9:9-12, Rom 7:14-25, Matt 11:25-30
4th Sunday after Pentecost, 2016-2017
Text: Matthew 10:34-42
3rd Sunday after Pentecost, 2016-2017
Text: Matthew 10:5a, 21-33
2nd Sunday after Pentecost, 2016-2017
Text: Matthew 9:35-10:8
The Holy Trinity, 2016-2017
Text: Matthew 28:16-20
Pentecost, 2016-2017
Text: Numbers 11:24-30
7th Easter Sunday, 2016-2017
Text: 1 Peter 4:12-19, 5:6-11
6th Easter Sunday, 2016-2017
Text: Acts 17:16-31
4th Easter Sunday, 2016-2017
Text: Acts 2:42-47, John 10:1-10
3rd Easter Sunday, 2016-2017
Text: Luke 24:13-35
2nd Easter Sunday, 2016-2017
Text: Acts 5:29-42, John 20:19-31
Feast of the Resurrection, 2016-2017
Text: Matthew 28:1-10
Good Friday, 2016-2017
Text: 1 Corinthians 1:18-2:8
6th Lent Midweek, 2016-2017
Text: Isaiah 42:5-8, Ephesians 1:3-14, John 12:27-32
5th Lent Midweek, 2016-2017
Text: Isa 53:5-6, Acts 4:8-12, 2 Co 5:18-25, John 14:1-6
4th Lent Midweek, 2016-2017
Text: Deut 7:6-8, 9:4-8; Eph 2:8-9; Rom 11:6
3rd Lent Midweek, 2016-2017
Text: Romans 1:16-17, 3:19-28; John 6:28-29