3rd Lent Midweek, 2019-2020
Text: Exodus 16:1-31; John 6:48-51
The Teacher of Israel
2nd Sunday in Lent, 2019-2020
Text: John 3:1-17 (Romans 4:1-17)
Waterless World
2nd Lent Midweek, 2019-2020
Text: Exodus 15:22-27, 17:1-7; John 7:37-39
Cursed for Your Sake
1st Sunday in Lent, 2018-2020
Text: Genesis 3:1-21
Red Sea Rebirth
1st Lent Midweek, 2019-2020
Text: Exodus 13:20-14:31
“It Is Good to Be Here”
The Transfiguration of Our Lord, 2019-2020
Text: Matthew 17:1-9, Exodus 24:8-18
Raising the Bar
6th Sunday after Epiphany, 2019-2020
Text: Matthew 5:21-37
Don’t Lower the Bar
5th Sunday after Epiphany, 2019-2020
Text: Matthew 5:13-20
Lent to the Lord
The Presentation of Our Lord, 2019-2020
Text: 1 Samuel 1:21-28
Don’t Let the Dark In
3rd Sunday after Epiphany, 2019-2020
Text: 1 Corinthians 1:10-18
Behold the Lamb of God
2nd Sunday in Epiphany, 2019-2020
Text: John 1:29-42
To Fulfill All Righteousness
The Baptism of our Lord, 2019-2020
Text: Matthew 3:13-17
God Growing Up
2nd Sunday of Christmas, 2019-2020
Text: Luke 2:40-52
The Man Who Would Be King
1st Sunday of Christmas, 2019-2020
Text: Matthew 2:13-23
The Word Became Flesh
Feast of the Nativity, 2019-2020
Text: John 1:1-14
The Godfather
4th Sunday in Advent, 2019-2020
Text: Matthew 1:18-25
Examples of (Im)Patience
3rd Sunday in Advent, 2019-2020
Text: Matthew 11:2-11 (Isaiah 35:1-10, James 5:7-10)
A Voice Crying in the Wilderness
2nd Sunday in Advent, 2019-2020
Text: Matthew 3:1-12
Wake Up. Get Dressed. Let’s Go.
1st Sunday in Advent, 2019-2020
Text: Romans 13:8-14
“Giving Him Thanks”
Thanksgiving, 2018-2019
Text: Luke 17:11-19
The End
Sunday of Fulfillment, 2018-2019
Text: Luke 23:27-43
Your Redemption Is Drawing Near
Second Last Sunday, 2018-2019
Text: Luke 21:5-28
Who’s Who
Third Last Sunday, 2018-2019
Text: Exodus 3:1-15
Two Kinds of Sinners
21st Sunday after Pentecost, 2018-2019
Text: Luke 19:1-10, Isaiah 1:10-18
Ecclesia Semper Reformanda Est
Reformation Festival, 2018-2019
Text: 2 Kings 18:1-8
Wrestling with God
19th Sunday after Pentecost, 2018-2019
Text: Genesis 32:22-30
A Good Soldier
18th Sunday after Pentecost, 2018-2019
Text: 2 Timothy 2:1-13
The Righteous Shall Live by Faith
17th Sunday after Pentecost, 2018-2019
Text: Habakkuk 1:1-2:4
De Angelis
St. Michael and All Angels, 2018-2019
Text: Psalm 91 (and numerous other texts)
Peace and Order
15th Sunday after Pentecost, 2018-2019
Text: 1 Timothy 2:1-15