Palmarum (6th Sunday in Lent), 2015-2016
Text: Matthew 21:1-17
“If You Had Been Here …”
Judica (5th Sunday in Lent), 2016-2017
Text: John 11:1-45
What the Blind Man Saw
Laetare (4th Sunday in Lent), 2015-2016
Text: John 9:1-41
Thirsty for Living Water
Oculi (3rd Sunday in Lent), 2016-2017
Text: John 4:5-26
Sure Signs
Reminiscere (2nd Sunday in Lent), 2016-2017
Text: John 3:1-17
Bad Seed
Invocavit (1st Sunday in Lent), 2016-2017
Text: Romans 5:12-19
A Sure Thing
Transfiguration, 2016-2017
Text: 2 Peter 1:16-21
Take Care How You Build
7th Sunday after Epiphany, 2016-2017
Text: 1 Corinthians 3:10-23
Telling It Straight
6th Sunday after Epiphany, 2016-2017
Text: Matthew 5:21-37
Salt and Light
5th Sunday after Epiphany, 2016-2017
Text: Matthew 5:13-16
Winners and Losers
4th Sunday after Epiphany, 2016-2017
Text: 1 Corinthians 1:18-31
“Follow Me”
3rd Sunday after Epiphany, 2016-2017
Text: Matthew 4:12-25
The Right Man for the Job
2nd Sunday after Epiphany, 2016-2017
Text: Isaiah 49:1-7
Consider Yourself Dead
The Baptism of our Lord, 2016-2017
Text: Romans 6:1-11
Radical Surgery
The Circumcision of our Lord, 2016-2017
Text: Luke 2:21 (Gen 17:1-12a; Col 2:9-15, 3:1-14)
Salvation Seen
Feast of the Nativity, 2016-2017
Text: Isaiah 52:7-10
Conceived by the Holy Spirit
4th Sunday in Advent, 2016-2017
Text: Matthew 1:18-25 (Isaiah 7:1-14)
“Blessed Is the One Who Is Not Offended by Me”
3rd Sunday in Advent, 2016-2017
Text: Matthew 11:2-15
Hope for the Holidays
2nd Sunday in Advent, 2016-2017
Text: Romans 15:4-13
Who Comes in the Name of the Lord
1st Sunday in Advent, 2016-2017
Text: Matthew 2:1-11
The Lost Son
Laetare – 4th Sunday in Lent, 2015-2016
Text: Luke 15:1-3, 11-32
Oculi – 3rd Sunday in Lent, 2015-2016
Text: Luke 13:1-9, 1 Corinthians 10:1-13
Resistant to Repentance
Reminiscere – 2nd Sunday in Lent, 2015-2016
Text: Luke 13:31-35, Jeremiah 26:8-15
Good for the Soul
Invocavit – 1st Sunday in Lent, 2015-2016
Text: Deuteronomy 26: 1-11, Romans 10:8b-13, Luke 4:1-13
Waking Up to the Big Picture
Transfiguration, 2015-2016
Text: Luke 9:28-36
“Today this Scripture Is Fulfilled in Your Ears”
3rd Sunday in Epiphany, 2015-2016
Text: Luke 4:16-30
God in Man Made Manifest
2nd Sunday in Epiphany, 2015-2016
Text: 1 Corinthians 12:1-11
The Christ Revealed
1st Sunday in Epiphany, 2015-2016
Text: Luke 3:15-22
Seeking Wisdom
2nd Christmas Sunday, 2015-2016
Text: Luke 2:40-2 (1 Kings 3:4-15)
According to the Law of the Lord
1st Christmas Sunday, 2015-2016
Text: Luke 2:22-40