6th Sunday after Pentecost, 2014-2015
Text: 2 Corinthians 12:1-10
All Bad Things Must Come to an End
5th Sunday after Pentecost, 2014-2015
Text: Lamentations 3:22-33
“Why Are You So Afraid?”
4th Sunday after Pentecost, 2014-2015
Text: Mark 4:35-41
The Noblest Tree in the Forest
3rd Sunday after Pentecost, 2014-2015
Text: Ezekiel 17:22-24
“We Do Not Lose Heart”
2nd Sunday after Pentecost, 2014-2015
Text: 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1
This Jesus Whom You Crucified
The Holy Trinity, 2014-2015
Text: Acts 2:14a, 22-36
The Great Communicator
Pentecost, 20145-2015
Text: Acts 2:1-21
A Share in this Ministry
Exaudi 7th Sunday of Easter, 2014-2015
Text: Acts 1:12-26
Of the Father’s Love Begotten
Rogate – 6th Sunday of Easter, 2014-2015
Text: 1 John 5:1-8
“Abide in Me”
Cantate – 5th Sunday of Easter, 2014-2015
Text: John 15:1-8, 1John 4:1-11
The Lord Is My Shepherd
Jubilate – 4th Sunday of Easter, 2014-2015
Text: Psalm 23, John 10:11-18
Growing Up
Misericordias Domini – 3rd Sunday of Easter, 2014-2015
Text: 1 John 3:1-7
Written that You May Believe
Quasimodogeniti – 2nd Sunday of Easter, 2014-2015
Text: John 20:19-31
No Other Gods
Feast of the Resurrection, 2014-2015
Text: Mark 16:1-8
Call Upon Me in the Day of Trouble
Good Friday, 2014-2015
Text: Hebrews 4:14-16, 5:7-9; John 8:42-59
Enter That Rest
Maundy Thursday, 2014-2015
Text: Deuteronomy 5:12-15, Hebrews 4:1-11, Mark 14:12-26
Let Every Person Be Subject
6th Lent Midweek, 2014-2015
Text: 2 Samuel 15:1-6, Romans 13:1-5, Luke 2:41-52
Natural Born Killers
5th Lent Midweek, 2014-2015
Text: 2 Samuel 11:6-27, 1John 3:15-18, Matthew 5:21-24
Adulterated Lives
4th Lent Midweek, 2014-2015
Text: 2 Samuel 11:1-5, 1Corinthians 6:9-20, Matthew 5:27-32
False Witnesses
2nd Lent Midweek, 2014-2015
Text: Matthew 26:57-75, James 3:1-10, Proverbs 12:13-22
You Shall Not Covet
Ash Wednesday, 2014-2015
Text: 1 Kings 21:1-16
Things Are Not As They Appear
Palmarum – 6th Sunday in Lent, 2014-2015
Text: Zechariah 9:9-12
“We Loathe This Worthless Food”
Laetare – 4th Sunday in Lent, 2014-2015
Text: Numbers 21:4-9
“Follow Me”
3rd Sunday after Epiphany
Text: Mark 1:14-20
The Time is Now
Invocavit – 1st Sunday in Lent, 2014-2015
Text: Mark 1:9 15
Out of Order
Last Sunday, 2013-2014
Text: 1 Corinthians 15:20-28
Buried Talents
Second Last Sunday, 2013-2014
Text: Mathew 25:14-30
Those Who Have Fallen Asleep
Third Last Sunday, 2013-2014
Text: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, Mathew 25:1-13
Looking Forward
Commemoration of the Faithful Departed, 2013-2014
Text: 2 Peter 3:8-14 (John 5:24-29, Isaiah 35:3-10)
Dependence Day
Reformation, 2013-2014
Text: John 8:31-36