6th Easter Sunday, 2017-2018
Text: John 15:9-17
Let Your Vineyard Be Fruitful
5th Easter Sunday, 2017-2018
Text: Acts 8:26-40
Dying to Live, Living to Die
4th Easter Sunday, 2017-2018
Text: 1 John 3:16-24
Open Tomb, Closed Minds
3rd Easter Sunday, 2017-2018
Text: Luke 24:36-49
Fellowship with Him and with One Another
2nd Easter Sunday, 2017-2018
Text: 1 John 1:1-2:2, Acts 4:32-35
Of First Importance
Feast of the Resurrection, 2017-2018
Text: 1 Corinthians 15:1-11, Isaiah 25:6-9
Good Grief
7th Easter Sunday, 2016-2017
Text: 1 Peter 4:12-19, 5:6-11
6th Easter Sunday, 2016-2017
Text: Acts 17:16-31
Gastronomy and Geology
They Devoted Themselves
4th Easter Sunday, 2016-2017
Text: Acts 2:42-47, John 10:1-10
Revelation on the Road
3rd Easter Sunday, 2016-2017
Text: Luke 24:13-35
“We Must Obey God Rather than Men”
2nd Easter Sunday, 2016-2017
Text: Acts 5:29-42, John 20:19-31
The Dawn of the First Day
Feast of the Resurrection, 2016-2017
Text: Matthew 28:1-10
With One Accord
Seventh Easter Sunday, 2015-2016
Text: Acts 1:12-26
To the Gentiles Also
Fifth Easter Sunday, 2015-2016
Text: Acts 11:1-18
A Vision for the Church
Second Easter Sunday, 2015-2016
Text: Revelation 1:4-18
The Greatest Escape
Feast of the Resurrection, 2015-2016
Text: 1 Corinthians 15:19-26
A Share in this Ministry
Exaudi 7th Sunday of Easter, 2014-2015
Text: Acts 1:12-26
Of the Father’s Love Begotten
Rogate – 6th Sunday of Easter, 2014-2015
Text: 1 John 5:1-8
“Abide in Me”
Cantate – 5th Sunday of Easter, 2014-2015
Text: John 15:1-8, 1John 4:1-11
The Lord Is My Shepherd
Jubilate – 4th Sunday of Easter, 2014-2015
Text: Psalm 23, John 10:11-18
Growing Up
Misericordias Domini – 3rd Sunday of Easter, 2014-2015
Text: 1 John 3:1-7
Written that You May Believe
Quasimodogeniti – 2nd Sunday of Easter, 2014-2015
Text: John 20:19-31
No Other Gods
Feast of the Resurrection, 2014-2015
Text: Mark 16:1-8
Numbered with the Twelve
Exaudi (7th Sunday of Easter), 2013-2014
Text: Acts 1:12-26
Another Helper
Rogate (6th Sunday of Easter), 2013-2014
Text: John 14:15-21
“The Word of God Continued to Increase”
Cantate (5th Sunday of Easter), 2013-2014
Text: Acts 6:1-9; 7:2a, 51-60
Smart Sheep
Jubilate (4th Sunday of Easter), 2013-2014
Text: John 10:1-10
A Work of God or of Men?
Quasimodogeniti (2nd Sunday of Easter), 2013-2014
Text: Acts 5:29-42
The Earthshaking Message of Angels
Feast of the Resurrection, 2013-2014
Text: Matthew 28:1-10, Acts 10:34-43, Colossians 3:1-4