Exaudi (7th Sunday of Easter), 2012-2013
Text: John 17:20-26
“Do You Now Believe?”
Rogate (6th Sunday of Easter), 2012-2013
Text: John 16:23-33
Ups and Downs
Cantate (5th Sunday of Easter), 2012-2013
Text: Revelation 21:1-7
Triumph and Tribulation
Jubilate (4th Sunday of Easter), 2012-2013
Text: Revelation 7:9-17, Acts 20:17-35
A Cover Up
Misericordias Domini (3rd Sunday of Easter), 2012-2013
Text: John 21:1-19
The Keys to the Kingdom
Quasimodogeniti (2nd Sunday of Easter), 2012-2013
Text: John 20:19-31 (Rev 1:4-18, Acts 5:12-20)
“These Words Seemed … an Idle Tale”
The Feast of the Resurrection, 2012-2013
Text: Luke 24:1-12
“Sanctify Them by the Truth”
Exaudi (7th Sunday of Easter), 2011-2012
Text: John 11:11b-19
The Family Business
6th Easter Sunday, 2011-2012
Text: John 15:9-17
“Abide in Me”
Cantate (5th Sunday of Easter), 2011-2012
Text: John 15:1-8 (1 John 4:1-11)
The Good Shepherd
Jubilate (4th Sunday of Easter), 2011-2012
Text: John 10:11-18
Opening Minds
Misericordias Domini (3rd Sunday of Easter), 2011-2012
Text: Luke 24:36-49
The Tie that Binds
Quasimodogeniti (2nd Sunday of Easter), 2011-2012
Text: 1 John 1:1-2:2, Acts 4:32-35 (John 20:19-31)
Delivered from Death
Feast of the Resurrection, 2011-2012
Text: Daniel 6:19-28, Mark 16:1-8
Labor Pains
Exaudi (7th Sunday of Easter), 2010-2011
Text: 1 Peter 4:12-19; 5:6-11
Representing Jesus
Rogate (6th Sunday of Easter), 2010-2011
Text: 1 Peter 3:13-22
Knowing the Way
Cantate (5th Sunday of Easter), 2010-2011
Text: John 14:1-14
The Perfect Church
Jubilate (4th Sunday of Easter), 2010-2011
Text: Acts 2:42-47
With Us on the Way
Misericordias Domini (3rd Sunday of Easter), 2010-2011
Text: Luke 24:13-35
“The Tested Genuineness of Your Faith”
Looking for Jesus
Feast of the Resurrection, 2010-2011
Text: Matthew 21:1-10, Acts 10:34-43
Heaven on Earth
Exaudi (7th Sunday of Easter), 2009-2010
Text: Revelation 22:1-6, 12-20
“Come Help Us”
Rogate (6th Sunday of Easter), 2009-2010
Text: Acts 16:9-15
“I Have Much More to Say to You”
Cantate (5th Sunday of Easter), 2009-2010
Text: John 16:12-22
The Hands of the Shepherd
Jubilate (4th Sunday of Easter), 2009-2010
Text: Acts 20:17-35, John 10:22-30
Waiting on Word
Misericordias Domini (3rd Sunday of Easter), 2009-2010
Text: John 21:1-14, Acts 9:1-22
“I Have the Keys”
Quasimodogeniti (2nd Sun. of Easter), 2009-2010
Text: Rev. 1:4-18, John 20:19-31, Acts 5:12-20
Words to Remember – Words to Believe
The Feast of the Resurrection, 2009-2010
Text: Luke 24:1-12, 1 Corinthians 15:19-26
“Holy Father, Keep Them by Your Name”
7th Sunday of Easter, 2007-2008
Text: John 17:1-11; 1 Peter 4:12-5:6-11
The Unknown God
6th Sunday of Easter, 2007-2008
Text: Acts 17:16-31