1st Lent Midweek, 2018-2019
Text: Is 55:6-11, 2 Tim 3:14-4:5, John 6:60-69
Lent Midweek
Blood Redeems
Good Friday, 2017-2018
Text: Matthew 27:24-26
Blood Testifies
Maundy Thursday, 2017-2018
Text: John 19:28-37, 1 Corinthians 11:23-26, 1 John 5:1-12
Blood Cleanses
6th Lent Midweek, 2017-2018
Text: Hebrews 9:11-28, Revelation 7:9-17
Blood Marks
5th Lent Midweek, 2017-2018
Text: Gen 25:24-26, 37:31-35, 49:9-12; Is 63:1-9; Rev 19:11-16; Mat 27:27-30
Blood Covers
4th Lent Midweek, 2017-2018
Text: Gen 3:20-21, Lev 16:1-22, Gal 3:26-27, 1 Peter 4:8
Blood Connects
3rd Lent Midweek, 2017-2018
Text: Exodus 12:1-13, 28-32; Hebrews 2:10-17
Blood Carries
2nd Lent Midweek, 2017-2018
Text: Gen 9:1-6, Deut 12:20-25, Lev 7:1-5
Blood Accuses
1st Lent Midweek, 2017-2018
Text: Genesis 4:2b-16; Isaiah 1:13-18
Crux Sola Est Nostra Theologia
Good Friday, 2016-2017
Text: 1 Corinthians 1:18-2:8
Soli Deo Gloria
6th Lent Midweek, 2016-2017
Text: Isaiah 42:5-8, Ephesians 1:3-14, John 12:27-32
Solus Christus
5th Lent Midweek, 2016-2017
Text: Isa 53:5-6, Acts 4:8-12, 2 Co 5:18-25, John 14:1-6
Sola Gratia
4th Lent Midweek, 2016-2017
Text: Deut 7:6-8, 9:4-8; Eph 2:8-9; Rom 11:6
Sola Fide
3rd Lent Midweek, 2016-2017
Text: Romans 1:16-17, 3:19-28; John 6:28-29
Sola Scriptura
2nd Lent Midweek, 2016-2017
Text: Isaiah 8:19-20, 2 Tim 3:14-4:5, John 8:31-32
Cleaning House
1st Lent Midweek, 2016-2017
Text: Mark 11:15-17
Call Upon Me in the Day of Trouble
Good Friday, 2014-2015
Text: Hebrews 4:14-16, 5:7-9; John 8:42-59
Enter That Rest
Maundy Thursday, 2014-2015
Text: Deuteronomy 5:12-15, Hebrews 4:1-11, Mark 14:12-26
Let Every Person Be Subject
6th Lent Midweek, 2014-2015
Text: 2 Samuel 15:1-6, Romans 13:1-5, Luke 2:41-52
Natural Born Killers
5th Lent Midweek, 2014-2015
Text: 2 Samuel 11:6-27, 1John 3:15-18, Matthew 5:21-24
Adulterated Lives
4th Lent Midweek, 2014-2015
Text: 2 Samuel 11:1-5, 1Corinthians 6:9-20, Matthew 5:27-32
False Witnesses
2nd Lent Midweek, 2014-2015
Text: Matthew 26:57-75, James 3:1-10, Proverbs 12:13-22
You Shall Not Covet
Ash Wednesday, 2014-2015
Text: 1 Kings 21:1-16
Evensong: Abide with Me (LSB #878)
Good Friday, 2013-2014
Evensong: When You Woke that Thursday Morning (LSB #445)
Maundy Thursday, 2013-2014
Evensong: God, Who Made the Earth and Heaven (LSB #877)
6th Lent Midweek, 2013-2014
Evensong: The Day Thou Gavest (LSB #883)
5th Lent Midweek, 2013-2014
Evensong: All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night (TLSB #883)
4th Lent Midweek, 2013-2014
Evensong: Lord Support Us All Day Long (TLSB #884)
3rd Lent Midweek
Evensong: Christ, Mighty Savior (TLSB #881)
2nd Lent Midweek, 2013-2014